How Google Core Update Of May 2020 Affect The Websites?

As Google has launched a new core update of the current year, by the name of ‘May 2020 Core Update’, a situation like chaos has prevailed in the website firms on the internet platform. The present situation of the SARS CoVid-19 pandemic has shut down numerous businesses for quite some time, whereas surviving ones are facing low traffic and a huge decline in sales. With the rollout of new core updates, ranking and traffic of these businesses have fluctuated tremendously. So here is a brief about how new Google core updates will affect websites and SEO Company USA ? Impact on Digital Marketing : With the rollout of the new Google core update, a major chunk of sites has been witnessing huge ranking drops and a decline in traffic. Only a few sites offering their services in the real estate, healthcare, and finance are experiencing slight increments in their reach, with even some of them being the worst hit. As per Google, the results will be evident after two weeks as ...